Europe 1987

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan 2018

Europe 1987

We had breakfast this morning with a young lady from Israel, enjoying lovely fresh bread with jam and big cups of coffee.

We set off at 8:30am for Vierzon taking the longer (435 kilometre) scenic route through Tarare, Feurs, Thiers, Vichy, Nevers, and Bourges.  Overall, despite describing this as the scenic route, much of the scenery was unspectacular, and in many parts, resembled quite dry Australian colouring.  There were some lovely towns, however, and the view of the cathedral rising above the Loire River Bridge at Nevers definitely warranted a photographic stop.

Although it theoretically invalidated our insurance, Di had a short drive of the Citroën BX today on one of the quiet sections of roadway, and really liked it (as I have also found all through Europe; it’s a really good little car).

We arrived at the Youth Hostel on the corner of Rue Garibaldi and Place François Mitterand in Vierzon at 6:00pm.  There was only one other person staying there, so with our family of five, the total number of guests was six; it was quite a strange feeling to have so few other guests staying there.  The hostel wardens were an Australian and an Algerian who gave us free reign in the kitchen to cook our own dinner, which we did.


Day 49

Lyon to Vierzon

Sunday 30 August 1987